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SmartNav 5 Upgrade - Radar detector and Laser Diffusers

SmartNav Upgrade CPU Box Radar 2 Laser Diffusers Laser Diffuser Mounting Brackets CPU Mounting Bracket CPU Wire Harness

App-tronics offers an extended warranty when purchasing and installing with one of our authorized dealers. We also will review and quickly except requests from online buyers to use their own mechanic or dealership to provide installation under this extended warranty up to 5 years. Please contact us at 1-888-587-4111 or email at

SmartNav 5 Upgrade - Radar detector and Laser Diffusers

  App-Tronics has fitted our SmartNav 5 all in one applicational rear view mirror and SmartNav 5 PND (Personal Navigational Device) with the same wireless technology as our Stealth’s interior component the NDR-23. It too can now receive the same alerts from the Stealth’s radar detector and laser diffusers, giving buyers yet another quality option to the Stealth Interceptor’s interior display component.

Owners of the SmartNav 5 can purchase the combo unit or come back later and purchase this upgrade. Every SmartNav 5 comes with the same wireless technology as our Stealth Interceptors NDR-23. Allowing SmartNav to help protect our clients from Law Enforcement targeting your vehicle.

SmartNav and Stealth Interceptor are the easiest systems to install. Read More.

Click Here to View Full Specs and Owners Manual for Smartnav 5 Upgrade

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  • Detailed Specifications and Features X, K, KU Radar Detector with super wide KA band
    • Both the Radar and Laser diffusers are installed with just 2 wires, making for easy installation.
    • Two super-high-power diode laser diffusers that work against variable pulse rate (VPR) laser guns, giving you maximized protection.
    • App-Tronics own updatable database warns driver of upcoming red light cameras and speed traps.
    • Registered Owners will receive emails alerting them of updated formats for the SmartNav 5 User Interface, allowing for future needs and wants of yours customers